筑波山パワースポット~Mt. Tsukuba Power Spots~

せきれい石(Sekirei Stone (wagtail stone))


It is said that a long time ago a wagtail bird perched on this stone and taught the two deities of ‘Izanagi-no-Mikoto’ and ‘Izanami-no-Mikoto’ how to get along well as husband and wife.

縁結びパワースポット(A power spot of matchmakin)

天浮橋(あめのうきはし) Ame-no-Ukihashi (the floating bridge of heaven)


One day during the time immemorial, the two pillar deities called ‘Izanaki’ and ‘Izanami’ stood on Ame-no-Ukihashi, and unloaded a jeweled spear called Ama-no-nuboko and stirred the primeval ocean with it.  When they pulled up the spear, drops of salty water dripping down from it into the sea began to create an island called Onokorojima, which finally turned into Mt. Tsukuba.  That’s why the mountain has been regarded as a place of heaven and earth creation.

縁結びパワースポット(A power spot of matchmaking)

立身石(りっしんせき)Risshin Stone (success-in-life stone)


This is the place where Rinzo Mamiya, who is well known for discovering the Mamiya Strait, used to pray for the realization of his dearest wish.  Also, it is said to be a place where Shinran, a holy priest, saved lots of starving ghosts.

金運・出世パワースポット(A power spot of luck with money and work)

ガマ石 Gama Stone (imaginary-toad stone)



It is said that Heisuke Nagai, who developed the toad-oil (special ointment sold at Mt. Tsukuba) sales talk later, came up to the attractive words while he was sitting on the stone.  This unusual-shaped stone had been called ‘Dragon Stone’ during the Edo period (1603-1867) and the imaginary-dragon’s tail is said to reach Lake Kasumigaura.  If you put your hand into the mouth-like hole here, you might get luck with money.

金運・出世パワースポット(A power spot of luck with money and work)

裏面大黒(りめんだいこく) Rimen-Daikoku



This rock looks like Daikokusama (a deity presiding over food and wealth) with a large sack on his back. Daikokusama is popular for his uchidenokozuchi (a mallet of good luck), too.  Watari Shrine dedicated to Hiruko-no-Mikoto is nearby and the shrine is popular for answering prays for good fish-catch, safe voyage, luck with money, safe travel and realization of one’s dearest wish.

金運・出世パワースポット(A power spot of luck with money and work)

Hakuja Benten (white-snake goddess of eloquence, music and art)


It is said a white snake inhabits here, and a legend says that seeing the white snake would make you rich.

金運・出世パワースポット(A power spot of luck with money and work)

国割り石(くにわりいし)  Kuniwari Stone (land partition stone)


Ages ago, the deities got together here and applied lines on this stone to decide what part of land each of them would rule.

金運・出世パワースポット(A power spot of luck with money and work)

屏風岩(びょうぶいわ) Byobu-Iwa (sheer cliff)


Since this cliff looks as if a huge folding screen were standing straight, this place is called Byuobu-Iwa.  Azatoko Shrine, a branch shrine of Tsukubasan Shrine, is near here and it is dedicated to Susano-no-Mikoto (the founder deity of the shrine). This place is popular for answering praying for protection from water-caused disasters, fire-caused disasters and various kind of diseases.  Also, this deity is popular for prayers for good harvest, progress in studies and tying the knot.

信仰・神々(Praying / Deities )

出船入船(でふねいりふね) Defune Irifune (ships going out and coming in)



This rock looks like a row of ships coming and going.  Funatama-no-Kami (a ship guardian deity) is worshiped here, and the deity in the rock offers a prayer in the direction of the Kumano Sea.  A guardian deity of safe voyage.

信仰・神々(Praying / Deities )

高天原(たかまがはら) Takamagahara


Takamagahara is said to be ‘God World’ where lots of heavenly gods including Amaterasu-Omikami dwelled. Inamura Shrine is near here, which worships Amaterasu-Omikami (goddess of the sun and ancestor deity of the emperor).  This place is popular for answering praying for land stability, better fortune, luck in the game, and bringing happiness.


信仰・神々(Praying / Deities )

北斗岩(ほくといわ) Hokuto-Iwa (big dipper stone)



This rock soars to the sky and seemingly would never move like the big dipper twinkling in the sky.  Obaragi Shrine, a branch shrine of Tsukubasan Shrine, stands by the rock, worshipping Tsukuyomi, a moon god.  The deity is popular for answering prays for protecting agriculture, huge harvest, good fish-catch, safe voyage and family welfare.

奇岩・怪石(Fantastically-shaped rocks / bizarre stones)

Haha-no-Tainai Kuguri (passing through the narrow sanctified cavern)


This is a place of training for Zenjo (ascetic practice atop a sacred mountain).  Going through the narrow space like a birth canal in the rock means returning to an innocent state of body and mind.

奇岩・怪石(Fantastically-shaped rocks / bizarre stones)

Benkei Nana Modori (Benkei’s seven-time return)


This is a stone gate that is said to divide the sacred world from the mundane one.  Since the huge rock looks as if it’s about to fall, Benkei, a strong warrior monk, is said to have hesitated to go through under the rock and he went ‘back and forth seven times.

奇岩・怪石(Fantastically-shaped rocks / bizarre stones)

大仏岩(だいぶついわ) Daibutsu Rock


The rock is 15m tall and looks like a giant Buddha.

奇岩・怪石(Fantastically-shaped rocks / bizarre stones)

陰陽石(いんようせき) Yin Yang Stone


Yin implies negative things including the earth, female, the moon, night, stillness and the dark.  Yang indicates positive things including the heaven, male, the sun, day, movement and light.  The two opposite-meaning rocks seem to stand up close together.

奇岩・怪石(Fantastically-shaped rocks / bizarre stones)